There is something very special about camp cooking. Everything just seems to taste so very good at camp! But camp cooking requires a different set of rules and equipment then those that we use at home. Camp cooking can be an activity in itself. Take some time to plan your meals and decide how you wish to prepare them. Outdoor cooking involves quite a bit of skill and innovation but with a little practice and creativity you too can become an “outdoor chef”. Enjoy not only the food but the process of preparing it!
Last December we had spent a great time in the Amazon forest. And we cooked on the forest. That was amazing feelings.
Outdoor cooking is really loved, ist the moment when you spend special time with others and enjoy outdoor cooking
Always my preferred way to cook! Always tastes better.
Everthing is better when in the outdoors – especially food!
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I feel that food just tastes better when it’s cooked outdoors. Has anyone tried cooking on a weber genesis e-310 outdoor gas grill. It’s so convenient and easy to use, and clean-up is a breeze with a gas grill. Not to mention that food cooked on this grill tastes really great.